
Pods of Bubbledumb

Pods of Bubbledumb

A Study In Mass Depravity

A full-throttle dystopian tale of hypocrisy and a stunning alarm for anyone who possesses an inkling of liberal perspective. Ghant Wackersham, the darling of future conservatism but a veritable sleazebag hiding beneath a three-piece suit, whips up an America that is poisoned to the brim, and the worse he acts, the more his admirers worship him.
Meanwhile, Douglas “Tug” McRae, one of his staunchest supporters, embarks on a sociopathic killing spree, while grappling with the incessant urges of necrophilia and a severe case of premature ejaculation; Mandy Jo Hicks, an eighth-grade graduate and another Wackersham devotee, embraces Section-8 hillbilly logic in quarrelling with her neo-hippie son, the neurotic Oliver Rhodes, about the President’s ethics, or lack of them; Melvin and Melanie Goodall, a pair of affluent, Anglo, conservative, religious wackos crave to bathe Wackersham’s feet and anoint him King of the Galaxy; African-American heroine, Elma Ray, just yearns for a pinch of normalcy for the sake of her musician son, Tyrel; Phoenix the Cat dips his paw into the mix, as the lives of these parties converge in a contorted climax. Rated “RR” for Rivetingly Raw.

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Pods of Bubbledumb

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